Monday, March 14, 2011


Spring is a busy and exciting time to be a karate student! Here is a listing of upcoming events:

All South Tournament: April 2, New Orleans. This is an annual tournament with both youth and adult divisions. Any full colored belt (yellow or above) is eligible to participate. White belts may be eligible with instructor's permission. I have registration forms available!

Belt Test: April 16, New Iberia. Students ages 7 and older may be eligible to participate in this belt test, while students 7 and younger will have a junior belt test at our dojo the following week (exact date to be announced). If the student plans to test or participate in the tournament, please attend every class possible between now and the event!

You can use the labels listing in the right hand bar to find other blog posts related to belt testing.

Summer Camp: June 3-5, New Orleans. An annual training camp that attracts members of our organization from all over the country and internationally. Attending the full camp is probably too much to ask of the youth members, but if you're going to be in New Orleans that weekend and have some time, attending even one of the camp sessions would be worth fitting into the schedule. This year's guest camp instructor will be Kobayashi Kunio from JKA Headquarters in Tokyo.